Thursday, July 28, 2022

What factors influence your personality ?

 What factors influence your personality?

Its your personality something you inherited from your family or something you developed over time as you went through many psychological changes and events that changed you?

According to psychologists, our personality is primarily determined by four major determinants: physical (hereditary), social (the community you were raised in and your role in the community), psychological (your behavior, emotions, and inner thought patterns), and intellectual (your values and beliefs). These personality determinants also include various cultural, situational, and environmental factors you may encounter. Let us delve deeper into the meaning of personality, including its types, determinants, characteristics, nature, perception, and more!

A list of three key factors has been identified as determinants of Personality. Personality Psychologists had a huge interest in these.

Biological Factor

Psychological Factor

Environmental Factor

Biological Determinants

Biological traits are the most important factor in determining one's personality. Being the most important determinant of personality, it incorporates a variety of other factors that bring out various insights about an individual. The following are some important physical determinants of personality:

Hereditary: Hereditary characteristics are those that can be determined from the time of conception. Characteristics inherited from parents include sex, physical stature, temperament, muscle composition, facial features, height, and so on. Thus, the hereditary approach demonstrates that the genes found on chromosomes are the ultimate explanation for personality.

Physical Appearance: Physical appearance is another important determinant of personality. How one appears physically has a significant impact on how others perceive them. Whether one is short, tall, slim, fat, black, or white, one's appearance leaves an impression on others, which influences one's self-concept. Height, skin tone, weight, and other physical characteristics are examples of physical characteristics.

Psychological Factor

Intellectual Determinants: A person's personality is influenced by his intellectual growth. People with higher IQs can adapt to a wider range of conditions in life. Based on their academic accomplishments, other people hold favourable opinions of intellectuals.

Emotional Determinants: Emotions play a significant role in personality development. A person's ability to change on a personal and societal level is greatly influenced by emotional considerations.

Numerous emotional factors, including dominant emotions, emotional balance, emotional deprivation, excessive love and affection, emotional expressions, emotional catharsis, and emotional stress, have a direct and indirect impact on how people form their personalities.

Environmental Factor

Family The first and most important factor influencing a person's personality development is his family. The parenting style and attitude, their child's expectations, their education, and The child's personality are influenced by the child's attention. The early childhood experiences received from the family will play an important role in the development of personality Economic and social status of the family will also have an impacting personality of the child.

School is the next social aspect to influence a child's academic and psychological growth. School climate and rules have an impact on a child's personality development. The personality of the teacher, and Peer students' attitudes, character, and character are all factors in the personality of a child's growth.

A person's personality is influenced by their experiences. A person may have both negative and positive experiences Early in life also has an impact on a person's personality.

The successes and failures a person experiences in life are important factors in determining their personality. It might have an impact on a person's motivation or demotivation.

The cultural environment is created by the customs and values that are upheld in a certain culture. These elements affect how a child's personality develops.

A child's physical and social environment, including their country of birth and residence, will also have an impact on how their personality develops.

Situational variables can also affect human personality. The environment has a significant impact. Evidently acquired, knowledge, skill, and language all signify significant behavioural changes. Although generally constant and steady, a person's personality might alter depending on the circumstances.

Podcast- Determinants of Personality

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